Monday, October 3, 2011

Attention to detail.....Damn you Typography!

As I'm getting further into the curriculum of Typography, I'v realized these 2 courses I'm taking almost contradict themselves.  I have my 2D dimensional design foundation class (we'll just call it Art class going forward) that embraces going with the flow, and not being so controlled.  Then Typography where it seems there are all the typography rules - frequently misused - that you have to follow.  Yes, that was a hyphen used incorrectly for a em-dash for semi-aesthetic purposes.   Plus I have no idea at the time of this typing where the em-dash is, nor want to investigate the whereabouts.  Haha.

I thought the blog was looking a bit bland so I started using the dynamic templates that Google provides for Blogger.  They also provide you the option to write your blogs in HTML format, which I'm not too familiar with yet.  I'm gonna teach myself tho, because how else am I supposed to get the typography examples to really show up they way I want.  Anyway, until then I'll be using the easy tools provided to spice up the blog, starting with the layout.  +1 for the blog!

The 2nd week of class I had a quiz on the anatomy of a character.  Talk about a slap in the face of anal retentiveness.  I say that just from the realization of how important attention to detail is when it comes to using typography effectively.  Like something being bold or italicized, and why it's done and whether you used a computer formatted bold or the truetype bold of the font.  Trust me, I can't show the example now, but there's a difference.  Also the importance word spacing and kerning  is starting to brainwash me. Kerning is basically adjusting the spacing between 2 letters that look too open or too tight.  Look at the letters AV together...see all that open space, kerning the pair would bring them closer together.  So, I realized the brainwashing was taking effect when I would read emails from work.  People would be bolding words, or changing the point size of the font, doing cutesy fonts and just sending out...awful looking emails.  I only saw awful now, because I'm recognizing the difference, and I Effin' love it!

One way or another I'm going to incorporate the skills I'm learning for typography into the blog.  I'd much rather show small caps or a crafty initial letter to start a paragraph than just talk about it.  This week, I'm taking a thorough look through my blogging options and to customize it more.  It's those little things that make the difference.

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