I love my Droid X. Just as much as I loved the original droid, the Motorola A855. Soon, it will be the Samsung Galaxy Nexus, and I have no shame in admitting I'm super excited about
this phone. The one thing I will not miss with this new phone is the red glowing eye followed by a robotic "Drroooiiiiidddd" announcement. HaHa, if you have had any of Verizon's "Droid" line, you know exactly what I mean. No matter what though, whenever you hear that sound, or see the eye, you know exactly what it is....Kudos to Verizon's branding and marketing. Verizon played a big part in exploiting the android OS in a iPhone dominated industry. The G1 was originally released on 10/22/08 on T-mobile, and honestly had a hard time getting noticed. On November 6, 2009 Verizon launched the Motorola Droid and The Droid Eris by HTC, and the android OS gained in popularity.
The thing I love most about the android OS, is the ability to unlock the device from manufacturer and carrier restraints and customize the phone the way you want. Coming with a background in computers, and hacking, and tinkering with stuff, I was all about it. Even with my windows mobile phone, I was hacking it, and changing stuff, aka voiding my warranty.
Throughout the lifespan of my Droid phones I have themed my phone in so many different ways. Some of them using applications from the market, sometimes changing icons directly in the system files, which requires
"root". I intend on sharing this info too!! I remember staying up into all hours of the night messing with my phone, changing the layout and design of the phone. I also dabbled in a little programming and manipulating the .apk files, which was fun too. Creating icons, wallpaper, and changing the way I used and interact with my phone was something that kept me focused. So last year, I told myself I was going back to school for graphic design and I want to design graphic user interfaces for mobile devices and websites. Well, here I am :p
Symmetrical |
Asymmetrical |
Radial |
crystallographic |
My 2nd project for 2D Design has been assigned. The theme or main focus is Balance. There are a few ways to express this, using symmetrical and asymmetrical art. Using a radial effect and crystallographic (all over pattern) is also another way of showing off balance. Once again my teacher left if open for us to draw whatever our hearts content. I had a hard time figuring out what to draw for this project. I'm so use to being given direction and specifics with assignments.
One of the patterns I thought of doing was the droid eye! Leaf patterns are too obvious and easy....yes that's what I was originally going to do, lol. So now I'm in the process of drawing eyes, 18 of them being exact and determining how I'm going to go about this project. It's gonna be interesting to see where this goes.
So this is what I'v done so far, and right now I'm just messing around with colored pencils and trying to draw different designs for my Drrrrrroooooiiiddddd eyes, I'm going for the crystallographic symmetry.