Spring semester has begun! I'm taking Intro to Graphic Design and Drawing. Intro to Graphic design is going to be the course that will definitely push the limits that I'v been yearning the past 2 years. The drawing class is a pretty heavy workload also.
In my Intro to GD class, we have a semester long project where I have to come up with graphic solutions to a topic of our choice. My choice is Human-Computer Interaction (HCI). Talk about thinking "inside" the box. I want to focus on User Interfaces, and it requires research and brainstorming.....graphically. It's going to be fun coming up with ideas due to the topic.
Drawing....hahahaha. Yes, i laugh at myself when I'm drawing, because I can't get over how bad it is. It's going to change the way I look and perceive things tho. Shading with 2h, hb, 2b, 4b, and 6b pencils is a technique that results in some really amazing portraits. I'm most likely going to end up surprising myself with the outcome.